Always be closing is a 30-yr-old movie quote not a sound sales strategy. So what are the ABCs of selling? The answer should at least intrigue you…
First, I’ve heard:
- Always be caring
- Always be consulting
- Always be curious
While these are certainly good things, they don’t fit the bill to overcome the toxic bravado so inherent in “always be closing.”
We need something that shifts the paradigm.
Here goes…
The real ABCs of selling are to:
- Achieve
- Buyer
- Confidence
Whether you’re an
- individual contributor
- entrepreneur
- consultant
- owner
Your north star should be: achieve buyer confidence
To put a finer point on this, and, as Brent Adamson notes, “buyer confidence in themselves” and their decision to work with you.
This flips the focus of selling to where it belongs – onto the prospect and their needs.
Reflections on this start to really shake things up…I’ll be writing more about this
In the meantime, here’s a thought exercise:
What are some things you would need to change, modify, or do, in order to:
- achieve buyer confidence in themselves
- and their decision to work with you