You likely know the famous movie line from Alec Baldwin, always be closing. Over it’s 30-year history, it has permeated much of selling. In fact, it’s how many perceive sales. But there’s a problem…
It’s not true.
To do this would place you squarely in the category of jack-ass. You’d be so off-putting few prospects would go near you.
Now, it’s a movie…so we can only beat up the quote so much.
Nevertheless, there are some real ABCs to selling.
These four areas will help:
A. Avoid sales tactics – tactics manipulate people. Sales tactics hurt people – including the seller (eats at your soul). And buyers hate sales tactics. They’re also unnecessary in professional selling. A full third of my sales training is undoing what many have learned and replacing it with a new skill set.
B. Be safe – many sales techniques and methodologies do not create psychological safety. Thus, the prospect doesn’t open up, doesn’t trust you, and moves on. When you create a safe environment you’re able to get to root issues to find out what maters to your prospect. You can respectfully challenge and help people see things anew.
C. Cast vision – too many salespeople talk about their product and services. Prospects don’t care. They want to know how it matters to them. You need to help your prospect see a new future state. What will they have they ability to do if they were to make a change. What will life be like in the new world?
C. Choice – this second “C” is the practice of providing choice to your prospect. Choice (freedom of choice) is a fundamental human drive. It’s also the prospect’s responsibility. e.g., “Do these ABCs resonate with you, or am I off base?” This practice allows you to agree with me, change something, or reject it entirely. That’s choice.
C. Close – now you’re ready to Close…
I hope this helps get rid of the mind trash of a 30-year-old quote – from a movie.