How to create a newsletter in 2023 that has people drooling to get on your list…
I’m overselling it a bit, but here’s 4 steps:
Step 1: See what good looks like, subscribe to:
- Dan Nelkin
- Justin Welsh
- Josh Spector
- Katelyn Bourgoin
- Shane Parrish (The Knowledge Project)
Step 2: Your ideas
- Get your awesome ideas out of your head and onto a doc
- Create four short (~250 words) newsletters to share
- Aim for weekly, and pics & vids count as content
Step 3: Some tech stuff
- Create a landing page for subscribers
- I like the WordPress plugin MailPoet
- It’s free for first 1000 subscribers
Step 4: Figure it out as you go
- Ask some friends to subscribe
- Gather their feedback
- Interate, test, tweak
- See what good looks like
- Flesh out your great ideas
- Create a nice subscriber page
- Socialize, test, learn as you go – have fun
I hope this helps…