How to create a newsletter in 2023 that has people drooling to get on your list… Okay… I’m overselling it a bit, but here’s 4 steps: Step 1: See what good looks like, subscribe to: Step 2: Your ideas Step 3: Some tech stuff Step 4: Figure it out as you go So… I hope […]
Sales Blog
Do something DifFeReNt
Do something DifFeReNt Best practices are one thing What are your “next practices?”
Your message was just a cool idea, not a smart one
The problem with today’s sales and marketing message is the same problem as airports. They’re designed like the wing of an airplane. Someone, probably an architect, said, “I know, let’s make it look like an airplane!” And so we have expensive and weird looking buildings. Airports are for people – planes don’t care about the […]
What do you believe about sales?
Your beliefs about sales matter That is, the way you think about selling will set you on a trajectory. Because your beliefs will influence your activities. Your activities will create your competencies. Your competencies will produce results – for better or worse If you think sales is to make money, to win, to get something…. […]